Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unemployed Checklist

If you find yourself unemployed or wanting to change jobs I want to help you with some tips this week. I have this posted this on my resources page but I wanted to make it a little more available. Feel free to email me any questions you may have and keep looking up. We usually go where we are looking in life. It’s hard sometimes to stay encouraged but I have found one thing that is a big help; turn off the television! Have a great week and keep on keeping on. Laid off checklist
1. Cut your budget as low as you can. Cut areas such as entertainment, out to eat and blow money categories. If you have any memberships you don’t use cut them also.
2. Make your new job, finding a job. Spend 35-40 a week searching, it is tough but it keeps you moving. Hey water will freeze in the right temperature if it is not moving.
3. Find a part-time job such as pizza delivery or some other part time work, every little bit counts.
4. Exercise, this keeps you mind active and helps you to think better and motivates you.
5. Get that resume ready, make it no more than two pages, it’s a sales brochure not an autobiography. You are the product. Target it for the positions you want.
6. Use the three contact rule, Introduction letter, cover letter and resume and a follow up phone call. Target some one in the company to contact that can hire.
7. Prepare for interviewers to answer the hard questions, be prepared know the answer. Studies show that a person hiring knows weather they want you 10-20 seconds after they meet you. Even if you don’t have all of the qualifications, if they like you and think they can use a good person they will be more likely to hire you.
8. After the interview, ask them, when do you think you will make your decision? Set up a phone appointment to check and see if the decision has been made. It seems pushy but it is different, never say I, will look forward to hearing from you. Get in the drivers seat it is your life.
9. After the interview drop a thank you card in the mail to the interviewer. It shows class.
10. Sometimes a job loss is a beginning to something better than before. Sometimes we have to have a train wreck to get us off the wrong track and put us on the right one.

Go West Coaching

Career Coach

Friday, March 11, 2011

Your Destiny is waiting!

Your destiny is waiting!

I saw a commercial the other day for the Biggest Loser television show. Jillian Michaels, one of the trainers for the contestants said, “You can do it, your destiny is waiting for you to show up!” This statement made me think about everything we do in our lives. God has a destiny ready for us, but we will not show up! What are some of the reasons we don’t show up. I think the main one is fear. We will not try that business venture because we may fail. Remember failure is part of success; it’s a chance to begin new, with more experience. If I quit my job, that I dread going to on Mondays, for one I may like, I will lose my “security”, or what we think is security. As Helen Keller says "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." What is the destiny you think God has for you? We all have hints and clues thrown at us throughout our lives. What are your values dreams and passions? What do you do that makes time go by without a care? You may think it is crazy and that you cannot support yourself or your family, but others have. Why can’t you do it also? If God is for you, then who can be against you in life? Do remember that His plan doesn’t always fit your mold, okay it never does for me the way “I” think it should. So will you show up for your destiny? Charlton Heston, while filming Ben- Hur was having a hard time staying in the violent cart being pulled by the horse. In the movie he was supposed to win the race, but he told the director I can’t do it, I cannot win because I cannot control the cart and barely can stay in it. The director said you focus on staying in the cart and I will make sure you win. Wow, if we stay in the cart of our destiny, God will make sure we win no matter how out of control it may seem.


Tim West

Go West Coaching

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