Monday, November 21, 2011

Black Friday- Get a plan

Black Friday- Get a game plan!

Its that time of the year, turkey, dressing, eating till you cant eat anymore and the super bowl of shopping, black Friday. This is no place for men, sorry guys, we just cant cut it in this atmosphere. Men if you think you can hang with your woman on this day you will think you are in the middle of an Old Testament plague with no end in sight! Think about it, Target has the commercial of a woman training for this day. I know women who start at midnight on Thursday, and you may not see them till Sunday! I prefer the on-line shopping method, Amazon, e-bay, and Cabela's , (my favorite) its a lot safer than the mall. So ladies I thought I would try to help the men out so they do not pass out when you give them a total cost for the event.

I think the ladies will like this, its kind of like a battle plan when you storm the beaches of retail.

Set a budget on how much you will spend before you get in the store. Spend your money on paper before you actually get in the store. (Include a couple of stops at Starbucks for a caffeine boost.)
Make a list of everything you would like to get, and stick to it.
Resist the urge to reward your self with a nice gift.
Don t get caught up in its cheap I should get two. Stick to the people on your list, don’t add if you don’t have to, or you really want to, and you can afford it. Don’t feel guilty if someone gets you a gift and you don’t get them one. That is part of the joy of the season, giving without anything in return.
When you get to the exhausted part go home and take a nap, you will spend more and will not care what you buy when you get really tired.
Remember you do not have to buy everything that day. There will be plenty of other opportunities before Christmas.
And finally have fun, and don’t stress out. (Men trust me do not go if at all possible, you cannot survive.)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tim West
Go West Coaching
Financial and Career Coaching

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Putting off the future

Putting off the future

This is a weird title but the more I think about it I realize its true. We put off our future in many areas of life. We put things off for many reasons such as waiting for the the conditions in our life to be perfect. We put them off because of fear, apathy, or just good old laziness. I have been guilty of all of those at some time or another in my life. Since its time for the holidays we go into a holiday mode. We just lay back and kick on the cruise control and enjoy the ride as much as possible. This feeling usually starts sometime in November all the way to the first day back at work in January. During the time between Christmas and New Years, we get that feeling of a new year with new possibilities. Then we decide what we will change in our lives for the upcoming year and get exited about what can happen. For most people that feeling lasts till around January 15th and we put off what can start to happen with our changes till later and later doesn’t happen. Lets face it, the future is coming and we can plan for the future we want. When I work with people in there finances, we determine where they are and create a plan to where they want to go in the future. Most of us think we will save when we have more money to save. Actually we have to determine to save before we get any money. If you don't save a little when you make 2000.00 a month you probably will not save much if you make 20000.00 a month, but you will have fun spending the money, then wonder where it went during a recession. Most people say they cannot save and don’t even make an attempt. If you want to change your life, in finances or any area, start taking the little steps now to your new future. You have to make an effort to change even when it is not the easiest time to change. You also have to stick to your decision and be committed to the change when the results are not what you thought you would be getting. We are tempted to quit and go back to what was normal and safe and we put off our future to a later date. Any goal worth reaching takes work and you will have failures and disappointments along the way. Quitting is a guarantee that you will not reach the goal. So ,over the holiday season decide how you want your future to be and begin to plan for the future you want. The future is coming don't put it off without planning. If you need some help feel free to ask, no one gets where they want without help. Feel free to down load a goal sheet on my website.

Tim West
Go West Coaching

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whats a coach??

What is a coach?

When people hear the word coach, they either think of a sport or think about a counselor. Can a coach help you? Lets find out. I help coach people in personal and small business finance .I also work with people in finding the right career to match their calling or to find their calling. Now a counselor is someone who deals mainly with the past and events that have happened to people in the past to lead you to where you are today. Consulting is objective observation of where the individual or organization is and gives specific recommendations on where to go. A Coach is someone who actively listens and focuses on where the client wants be, understanding the past, but moves with a plan to where the individual is going. The client is the initiator of direction. A coach has a partnership with the client. The coach assists the client in maximizing skills, talents and gifts already there that they may not recognize or have been forgotten about or overlooked. A coach listens observes an shapes the process for the individual. Or to put it in a football application, the coach designs the play to the abilities of the athlete and walks them through it while cheering for them on the sidelines.

There are many areas where coaching can be beneficial. I am constantly running across new fields where coaches are emerging. If you decide you want to be coached by someone in a particular area that you want to improve and prosper in make sure you and the coach are compatible. Are you comfortable with them, do you trust them, do they really care about you and helping you win in the area you seek help. Set up a meeting to see if the coach fits you and your personality. You are investing in yourself when you hire a coach and it should produce returns the rest of your life. So determine if you need a coach, counselor or a consultant. It can change your life! As Robert Kiyosaki said amateurs don't have coaches, professionals do. Let me know if I can help.
Tim West 11-8-11

Go West Coaching

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Its time for a plan

Its that time of the year, the fun, crazy and busy season of the holidays. I believe a lot of people beginning 2011 was glad that 2010 was finished, but things may not have gone a lot better this year. I have had multiple changes over the last two years of my life that I did not plan for at the beginning of the year. There are a lot of things we can plan for that helps get us through the rough times . I want to challenge you to set down and look at different areas of your life and set goals for the upcoming year. After you set them you need to track them to see how your progress is going and adjust them if necessary. We always have ideas and dreams of what we want to get accomplished, but if we never write them down, and track them they just float around and no progress gets made. What are the areas that you would like to improve on? Finances, maybe you want to get out of debt and start saving money. How about your health, career or your spiritual life? I don’t know how you feel about the people protesting wall street, the “occupy” movement but just yelling and protesting and not creating a plan to change things makes you tired ,burned out, and nothing gets done. Start thinking about what you want to change next year and let me know if I can help. Feel free to down load a goal sheet I use by Dan Miller, . (Goal Sheet) Let's plan the life we want and not just wait for something to happen.
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." Earl Nightingale

Financial Peace university begins January,15th. Email Tim at for more information.

I have a few of Dan Millers 48 Days to the work you love Career kits available. It comes with the hard back book, work book, and bonus CD's for $40.00