Friday, December 28, 2012

2013- The New Year

 2013 – The New Year

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas this year.  It is hard to believe that we are at the end of 2012.  There is a lot of wonder and anxiety going into 2013.  We have the fiscal cliff we are facing, struggling economy, the tragedy in Connecticut and basically a divided country.  I wished I could say that I could solve those problems overnight, but no one can and a quick fix usually sets us up for a future failure.  I believe the best way for us to see changes in life that we want is to work on our own life.   I cannot fix the national economy today, but I can make a lot of progress on my personal economy.    I read a blog by Kevin Miller yesterday that was good about pleasure necessity and significance.   I thought this would be a great time to invest more time in the significant things in my life.   We start out this year on fire to change our lives and then we fail to plan , and we wind up in the 92% that do not accomplish their resolutions.  Are resolutions simple? No. Are they easy? No. Is it hard work? Yes.  Is it worth it?  It is to me when I meet a goal.  Well you may ask how can I do it? Attempt to change, and stick to it is the best start.   Feel free to download a goal worksheet from my website (toward bottom of page) and go through it and make plans in the seven different areas that make up your life. Make the goals attainable, but challenging.  You may be like me; you can make the goals and forget to check the sheet monthly to see if you are hitting the marks to attain your goal.  It’s hardly a waste of time when you check your goals because you are changing your life.  Remember to set goals that are possible, such as, if you make 50k a year but you want to make more don’t make the goal 250000!  Remember by the inch it’s a cinch by the yard it’s hard.  Take baby steps to get there.  Speaking of baby steps I am hosting a Dave Ramsey’s financial peace university starting Jan 13th.  Click here for more information.  If you just hope that your life changes and take no action you will be facing 2014 saying nothing is different from last year. If you quit trying to reach your goals you will fail also and be discourged.    Be Blessed this 2013 and when you change yourself remember you are changing the world!!
Tim West