Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ordinary Living 6-20-12 How do you live? Do you live an ordinary life? By ordinary I mean similar to what everyone else does in their daily routine. You try to manage life to go as smoothly as you can and avoid all of the hassles and rough spots that may happen. I believe it is easy for us to fall into what everyone else is doing and shoot for a calm as possible lifestyle. Hey, who wants to take a risk in times like these, you could lose everything. At some point in your life you realize that, it’s hard to live an ordinary life when you are not ordinary. The world says get a steady job with good benefits, that’s the responsible way to live. Well as we have found out those are hard to come by nowadays; companies found out that being like the other ordinary companies is hard. I believe that each person is created uniquely different and are talented in different areas than others. Ok, so that is not rocket science to figure out that we are different. So why do we try to be like everyone else. We waste the person that we were designed to be when we try to be ordinary. Ordinary is living pay check to pay check, that’s what 7 out of 10 homes in America do. You could be different and actually use the budget you have written down somewhere, but never implemented. Start searching for that job or career you always wanted but didn’t think was for you. Hey, which life are you going to do these things in? Just start where you are at and draw a map to where you want to go. It is really more responsible to pursue what you were created to be. Make it impossible to for the life you want to refuse you. Create an environment to succeed. It’s not fast or easy, but it is where you find the extraordinary life you were meant to have. You are guaranteed to have an ordinary life if you do not try the out of the ordinary routine. Let me know if I can help! Tim West Go West Coaching

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