Monday, May 27, 2013

How far would you be now?

How far would you be now?
Do you remember when you were a kid and someone told you to go do something and you got half way to your destination and they called you back and asked you; I wonder how far you would be now if you didn’t turn around? Do you notice how we often do the same thing to ourselves by not doing what we set out to do originally?  We usually have an idea of where we want to go, or where we would like to be at certain stages of our life.  Things in life happen that “call us back” and ask us where we would be now if we continued on.  I remembered when I turned 41 and woke up that morning and realized my house would have been paid for if I had got a 15 year mortgage!  But we cannot stay in those places mentally because we will never get to a destination worth going to if we live in regret. I heard one time that if we are depressed we are living in the past, and if we are anxious we are living in the future.  When we do either one of these we sacrifice the life we have now and it drains our energy for the future.  How about I issue us a challenge this Memorial day?  A lot of our fellow Americans gave it all so we could go where we planned without regret and help our country and glorify God with the blessings He gave us to subdue the earth.  Determine what you want to do, weather it is lose weight, get out of debt, get in shape, run a marathon or start a new career or business.  If you stay in the thinking about it or the planning mode without executing you will ask years from now where would I be if I followed through with that idea?  If you are afraid of failure embrace it, the bigger you fail it usually means the bigger the payoff will be.  I would rather fail at an endeavor than to never try and wonder where I would be if I had tried. I am glad our veterans didn’t quit because there is no telling where or who we would be now. Let’s not listen to that voice that calls us back because it is just going to ask; how far would you be now?

Tim West

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