Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What are you missing out on?

Debt, yeah I know you are sick of hearing the word but we could use other terms instead of debt, the first one that comes to mind is slave. Proverbs 22:7 says the rich rules over the poor and borrower is slave to the lender. Once that term settled in I got depressed. Then I went to work on eliminating it, but it takes time to get there. Lets look at debt and get some truth to what it really is. You hear some say debt is a tool you also see shop teachers with missing fingers, they lost control over that "tool" and it cost them. You cant dig your way out of a hole so borrowing just keeps you a slave. The banks dont lend money for a ministry, they get rich off of it. Look at the size of the bank buildings compared to your house. Dont get me wrong they should make money but so should you, and paying them all that interest makes them money from you, so lets reduce at minumun and eliminate it for the best result. I know we get affluenza "they have a new car and boat so should I!" I want you to have stuff but the stuff should not have you, and when you go in debt for it you are working to keep it, start saving for it, create a plan to get there and then you can enjoy it more. A car and a boat drives much better when its not dragging a payment book behind it. Think about this if you ask yourself look what I am missing if I dont get a loan and buy that "thingy" that I want. Heres what you get when you dont have debt, freedom from banks and credit cards, sleep, money and happiness. You cant finance these things and when your in debt you wind up missing alot! Just think what our country is missing with its 13 trillion dollar debt. So get a plan and let me know if I can help you with your plan.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tim,
    Just wanted to say "Hi" and thanks for the thoughts and encouraging wisdom! May Father help us to be free in deed!!

    Love you brother
    PS Keep up the good work!! (1Cor. 15:58)
