Thursday, December 29, 2011
A New Year Saving
I hope that you have had a good 2011, if you didn't, hang in there you have just about made it! Start planning your 2012 by downloading a goal setting sheet or budget. If you don't have any financial goals set for this year let me give you a little help. Why don't we start saving, for purchases and emergencies. The hardest thing for me to do in making my budget is paying myself (saving). Something always comes up that I, want or need to spend that money I wanted and needed to save. Lets all try this in the new year, determine how much you want to have in savings by this time next year and calculate how much you need to save a month to get there. When you get paid, pay your necessities and yourself first, because if you don't do it right off, you might need a new fishing pole or outfit when it starts to warm up. If you don't know how much you should have, excluding retirement, ( I will deal with that later this year) use this rule of thumb. For a mini emergency fund I recommend 1000.00, if you make 20000.00 or under you may try for just 500.00. You may think that is a little amount but, you should work on your non- mortgage debt after you get your mini emergency fund. Once you are ready to begin fully funding your emergency fund I recommend 3-6 months of monthly living expenses. Once you have that met then go to work on retirement. Don't get so focused on the end amount that you miss the small weekly and monthly deposits that can easily slip away if you get discouraged. Saving is best done little by little, because you appreciate and value more if you have more time and energy invested in the effort. If you get it easy it has little value to you. When your work hard and it takes a little time, you are less likely to buy that new thingy with the money. I know because I have wasted more that enough of what I have had. If you don't know how you are going to get the savings started off, sell some stuff you bought with the money you should have been saving! Pick up some extra work anywhere you can get it. What ever the amount is that you want to save, set your goal and start doing what you need to do to get there. Yes you will have set backs, just use them to learn and to get re-focused. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Gift of Son-ship
Well it is just about that time, Christmas! We kick into neutral and enjoy life differently from any other time of the year. The retailers probably don’t get to enjoy much time off because they are working hard to get as much stuff sold as possible. I have been caught up in the, I have to buy a bunch of stuff and get a lot of stuff to have a “good” Christmas before also. Its easy to do and I have to resist it this year because of my new daughter (big smile). This year I want to start enjoying my life as a son of God. The great thing about this gift that was given to us is that you can enjoy it every day and not just in late December. God sent us Christ, His son so that we could be adopted as sons and not have to live like a orphan. As Dudley Hall says Jesus isn’t the the ticket to get to the event in Heaven, He is the event! I highly recommend his book Orphans no more to understand and view life as a son and not an orphan. Lets start living our lives enjoying the gift God has given us and quit living as if we don't have a Father. Don't get wrong I am not a scrooge, I love to give gifts, and as of today I have never rejected one! But why not this year and every year afterward we enjoy being a partner with God and manage His creation with Him. The Gift He gave us in Christ allows us to have a relationship and partnership with Him, that’s the best gift ever! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!!! Go West Coaching
Go West Coaching
Financial Peace University begins January 15th 2012 mailto:tim@gowestcoaching.comfor more information
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Blessed to be a blessing
During a time of recession and struggles we tend to get focused on the negative things that have happened to us during these times. We see things like our income go down, losing jobs and our savings accounts shrink. Sometimes we get so focused on these things we neglect what we do have that are blessings in our life. We wonder why the principles that God has given us don’t work the way we think they should or why they work for others and not us. I believe God sometimes presses the pause button in our lives and interrupts the path we are on to get focused on what is important. He done it to the Israelite s and we are no exception to the rule when we lose our focus on what He wants. I can get focused on building my kingdom and ignore the One that I serve. When life is going well we get focused on what we can get and forget that we get these things to be a blessing to others in the world. I think when God holds back the blessings we are working towards it is a good time for a recalibration on our part. I have been given these things, not to see how much I can accumulate, but to help others. I challenge you to take an inventory on what you do have and let the creative juices flow to where God wants you to be in your life. Maybe we should be using these tough times in our life to squeeze out the things we should be doing to be a blessing to others. What are the talents that you have been ignoring because you thought it was some crazy idea that could not produce anything to help you. Maybe those ideas are to help others. What if you have been called to teach a class or serve in an area that you are interested in but feel like you are not qualified to do so? Why don't we serve there until we get better and then we will start seeing the blessings flow to others and us when we do. I believe once we get our focus off of ourselves we will see the world around us open up and life will flow out of these areas. Consider the areas that you have strong convictions in and begin to move forward and be a blessing to the world! Maybe the blessings are waiting on you to act on a dream you have had in the past. “The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble.”
Henry Miller
“Security is not the absence of danger, but the presence of God, no matter what the danger.”
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Money to the Max
Money to the Max
You may be thinking that I am talking about more money than I know what to do with, wrong. I am talking about how we live, or use to live, our financial lives to the max. Before the recession era most of us were making more money than we are now and we could afford more “stuff” to buy. You never really realize how much less you can live on until you have to. We cut the unnecessary things out of our budget, although they were fun we can live without them now. A lot of times we wait to long to remove those items from our lives and dig a deeper hole. Think of all the things you use to live with then and look how you live now and you will see just how much money you may have been able to save. Don’t get me wrong we should do fun things but we should control how much we do them. We tend to get into the habit of buying fun and that can make you broke fast! A recession will tend to help make us content the hard way. Why don't we take this new budget that we now have and apply it when our income does go back up? A lot of people have had over a 50% decrease in income over the last three years and now realize how much they spent. Here is a challenge for you when your income goes back up again. Live on less than what you make. Do some fun things but do them less than you use to. You may be able to live on 75% of your income and save the rest for a 3-6 month emergency fund, retirement and for purchases. Get a plan and start following it and create the financial life you want to have. Besides, all the fun you use to have before, is not any fun now because you probably cant remember what you spent your money on then. Nothing can run maxed out for a long period of time without breaking.
Tim West
Go West CoachingMoney to the Max
You may be thinking that I am talking about more money than I know what to do with, wrong. I am talking about how we live, or use to live, our financial lives to the max. Before the recession era most of us were making more money than we are now and we could afford more “stuff” to buy. You never really realize how much less you can live on until you have to. We cut the unnecessary things out of our budget, although they were fun we can live without them now. A lot of times we wait to long to remove those items from our lives and dig a deeper hole. Think of all the things you use to live with then and look how you live now and you will see just how much money you may have been able to save. Don’t get me wrong we should do fun things but we should control how much we do them. We tend to get into the habit of buying fun and that can make you broke fast! A recession will tend to help make us content the hard way. Why don't we take this new budget that we now have and apply it when our income does go back up? A lot of people have had over a 50% decrease in income over the last three years and now realize how much they spent. Here is a challenge for you when your income goes back up again. Live on less than what you make. Do some fun things but do them less than you use to. You may be able to live on 75% of your income and save the rest for a 3-6 month emergency fund, retirement and for purchases. Get a plan and start following it and create the financial life you want to have. Besides, all the fun you use to have before, is not any fun now because you probably cant remember what you spent your money on then. Nothing can run maxed out for a long period of time without breaking.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
You may be thinking that I am talking about more money than I know what to do with, wrong. I am talking about how we live, or use to live, our financial lives to the max. Before the recession era most of us were making more money than we are now and we could afford more “stuff” to buy. You never really realize how much less you can live on until you have to. We cut the unnecessary things out of our budget, although they were fun we can live without them now. A lot of times we wait to long to remove those items from our lives and dig a deeper hole. Think of all the things you use to live with then and look how you live now and you will see just how much money you may have been able to save. Don’t get me wrong we should do fun things but we should control how much we do them. We tend to get into the habit of buying fun and that can make you broke fast! A recession will tend to help make us content the hard way. Why don't we take this new budget that we now have and apply it when our income does go back up? A lot of people have had over a 50% decrease in income over the last three years and now realize how much they spent. Here is a challenge for you when your income goes back up again. Live on less than what you make. Do some fun things but do them less than you use to. You may be able to live on 75% of your income and save the rest for a 3-6 month emergency fund, retirement and for purchases. Get a plan and start following it and create the financial life you want to have. Besides, all the fun you use to have before, is not any fun now because you probably cant remember what you spent your money on then. Nothing can run maxed out for a long period of time without breaking.
Tim West
Go West CoachingMoney to the Max
You may be thinking that I am talking about more money than I know what to do with, wrong. I am talking about how we live, or use to live, our financial lives to the max. Before the recession era most of us were making more money than we are now and we could afford more “stuff” to buy. You never really realize how much less you can live on until you have to. We cut the unnecessary things out of our budget, although they were fun we can live without them now. A lot of times we wait to long to remove those items from our lives and dig a deeper hole. Think of all the things you use to live with then and look how you live now and you will see just how much money you may have been able to save. Don’t get me wrong we should do fun things but we should control how much we do them. We tend to get into the habit of buying fun and that can make you broke fast! A recession will tend to help make us content the hard way. Why don't we take this new budget that we now have and apply it when our income does go back up? A lot of people have had over a 50% decrease in income over the last three years and now realize how much they spent. Here is a challenge for you when your income goes back up again. Live on less than what you make. Do some fun things but do them less than you use to. You may be able to live on 75% of your income and save the rest for a 3-6 month emergency fund, retirement and for purchases. Get a plan and start following it and create the financial life you want to have. Besides, all the fun you use to have before, is not any fun now because you probably cant remember what you spent your money on then. Nothing can run maxed out for a long period of time without breaking.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Monday, December 5, 2011
The New Time Way
The new time way
I drove past a church the other day and the name of it was the old time way church. I thought why would you always want to stay in the old time way when things change all of the time, and the majority of the time for the better. Don’t get me wrong there are some things in church that don’t change and should not. Some things should but I will not discuss that. I was thinking more on the lines of our life. I know some people will not try computers, my mom for one will not get a computer. There are people who don’t want a cell phone. There is nothing wrong with that because I hate my phone sometimes. Some people think they have to stay where they are at in their work lives. They think, I have always done it and its not great but, its the way I know so why change. I want to challenge that mind set this year. You may be like a lot of people who wanted last year to be over with only to find out that 2011 wasn’t that much better. The old time way says keep waiting and something will change. I suggest we try the new time way and stop waiting and start working. Move out on faith. Its not faith until we put it in action! Thanks Tr Sweeney for that word. Make a plan and start executing it this year. What area do you want to change this year? Feel free to download a goal sheet and plan out your new time way. Feel free to contact me if I can help. "There are a lot of ways to become a failure, but never taking a chance is the most successful." - Anonymous
Tim West
Go West Coaching
I drove past a church the other day and the name of it was the old time way church. I thought why would you always want to stay in the old time way when things change all of the time, and the majority of the time for the better. Don’t get me wrong there are some things in church that don’t change and should not. Some things should but I will not discuss that. I was thinking more on the lines of our life. I know some people will not try computers, my mom for one will not get a computer. There are people who don’t want a cell phone. There is nothing wrong with that because I hate my phone sometimes. Some people think they have to stay where they are at in their work lives. They think, I have always done it and its not great but, its the way I know so why change. I want to challenge that mind set this year. You may be like a lot of people who wanted last year to be over with only to find out that 2011 wasn’t that much better. The old time way says keep waiting and something will change. I suggest we try the new time way and stop waiting and start working. Move out on faith. Its not faith until we put it in action! Thanks Tr Sweeney for that word. Make a plan and start executing it this year. What area do you want to change this year? Feel free to download a goal sheet and plan out your new time way. Feel free to contact me if I can help. "There are a lot of ways to become a failure, but never taking a chance is the most successful." - Anonymous
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Monday, November 21, 2011
Black Friday- Get a plan
Black Friday- Get a game plan!
Its that time of the year, turkey, dressing, eating till you cant eat anymore and the super bowl of shopping, black Friday. This is no place for men, sorry guys, we just cant cut it in this atmosphere. Men if you think you can hang with your woman on this day you will think you are in the middle of an Old Testament plague with no end in sight! Think about it, Target has the commercial of a woman training for this day. I know women who start at midnight on Thursday, and you may not see them till Sunday! I prefer the on-line shopping method, Amazon, e-bay, and Cabela's , (my favorite) its a lot safer than the mall. So ladies I thought I would try to help the men out so they do not pass out when you give them a total cost for the event.
I think the ladies will like this, its kind of like a battle plan when you storm the beaches of retail.
Set a budget on how much you will spend before you get in the store. Spend your money on paper before you actually get in the store. (Include a couple of stops at Starbucks for a caffeine boost.)
Make a list of everything you would like to get, and stick to it.
Resist the urge to reward your self with a nice gift.
Don t get caught up in its cheap I should get two. Stick to the people on your list, don’t add if you don’t have to, or you really want to, and you can afford it. Don’t feel guilty if someone gets you a gift and you don’t get them one. That is part of the joy of the season, giving without anything in return.
When you get to the exhausted part go home and take a nap, you will spend more and will not care what you buy when you get really tired.
Remember you do not have to buy everything that day. There will be plenty of other opportunities before Christmas.
And finally have fun, and don’t stress out. (Men trust me do not go if at all possible, you cannot survive.)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Financial and Career Coaching
Its that time of the year, turkey, dressing, eating till you cant eat anymore and the super bowl of shopping, black Friday. This is no place for men, sorry guys, we just cant cut it in this atmosphere. Men if you think you can hang with your woman on this day you will think you are in the middle of an Old Testament plague with no end in sight! Think about it, Target has the commercial of a woman training for this day. I know women who start at midnight on Thursday, and you may not see them till Sunday! I prefer the on-line shopping method, Amazon, e-bay, and Cabela's , (my favorite) its a lot safer than the mall. So ladies I thought I would try to help the men out so they do not pass out when you give them a total cost for the event.
I think the ladies will like this, its kind of like a battle plan when you storm the beaches of retail.
Set a budget on how much you will spend before you get in the store. Spend your money on paper before you actually get in the store. (Include a couple of stops at Starbucks for a caffeine boost.)
Make a list of everything you would like to get, and stick to it.
Resist the urge to reward your self with a nice gift.
Don t get caught up in its cheap I should get two. Stick to the people on your list, don’t add if you don’t have to, or you really want to, and you can afford it. Don’t feel guilty if someone gets you a gift and you don’t get them one. That is part of the joy of the season, giving without anything in return.
When you get to the exhausted part go home and take a nap, you will spend more and will not care what you buy when you get really tired.
Remember you do not have to buy everything that day. There will be plenty of other opportunities before Christmas.
And finally have fun, and don’t stress out. (Men trust me do not go if at all possible, you cannot survive.)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Financial and Career Coaching
black friday,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Putting off the future
Putting off the future
This is a weird title but the more I think about it I realize its true. We put off our future in many areas of life. We put things off for many reasons such as waiting for the the conditions in our life to be perfect. We put them off because of fear, apathy, or just good old laziness. I have been guilty of all of those at some time or another in my life. Since its time for the holidays we go into a holiday mode. We just lay back and kick on the cruise control and enjoy the ride as much as possible. This feeling usually starts sometime in November all the way to the first day back at work in January. During the time between Christmas and New Years, we get that feeling of a new year with new possibilities. Then we decide what we will change in our lives for the upcoming year and get exited about what can happen. For most people that feeling lasts till around January 15th and we put off what can start to happen with our changes till later and later doesn’t happen. Lets face it, the future is coming and we can plan for the future we want. When I work with people in there finances, we determine where they are and create a plan to where they want to go in the future. Most of us think we will save when we have more money to save. Actually we have to determine to save before we get any money. If you don't save a little when you make 2000.00 a month you probably will not save much if you make 20000.00 a month, but you will have fun spending the money, then wonder where it went during a recession. Most people say they cannot save and don’t even make an attempt. If you want to change your life, in finances or any area, start taking the little steps now to your new future. You have to make an effort to change even when it is not the easiest time to change. You also have to stick to your decision and be committed to the change when the results are not what you thought you would be getting. We are tempted to quit and go back to what was normal and safe and we put off our future to a later date. Any goal worth reaching takes work and you will have failures and disappointments along the way. Quitting is a guarantee that you will not reach the goal. So ,over the holiday season decide how you want your future to be and begin to plan for the future you want. The future is coming don't put it off without planning. If you need some help feel free to ask, no one gets where they want without help. Feel free to down load a goal sheet on my website.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
This is a weird title but the more I think about it I realize its true. We put off our future in many areas of life. We put things off for many reasons such as waiting for the the conditions in our life to be perfect. We put them off because of fear, apathy, or just good old laziness. I have been guilty of all of those at some time or another in my life. Since its time for the holidays we go into a holiday mode. We just lay back and kick on the cruise control and enjoy the ride as much as possible. This feeling usually starts sometime in November all the way to the first day back at work in January. During the time between Christmas and New Years, we get that feeling of a new year with new possibilities. Then we decide what we will change in our lives for the upcoming year and get exited about what can happen. For most people that feeling lasts till around January 15th and we put off what can start to happen with our changes till later and later doesn’t happen. Lets face it, the future is coming and we can plan for the future we want. When I work with people in there finances, we determine where they are and create a plan to where they want to go in the future. Most of us think we will save when we have more money to save. Actually we have to determine to save before we get any money. If you don't save a little when you make 2000.00 a month you probably will not save much if you make 20000.00 a month, but you will have fun spending the money, then wonder where it went during a recession. Most people say they cannot save and don’t even make an attempt. If you want to change your life, in finances or any area, start taking the little steps now to your new future. You have to make an effort to change even when it is not the easiest time to change. You also have to stick to your decision and be committed to the change when the results are not what you thought you would be getting. We are tempted to quit and go back to what was normal and safe and we put off our future to a later date. Any goal worth reaching takes work and you will have failures and disappointments along the way. Quitting is a guarantee that you will not reach the goal. So ,over the holiday season decide how you want your future to be and begin to plan for the future you want. The future is coming don't put it off without planning. If you need some help feel free to ask, no one gets where they want without help. Feel free to down load a goal sheet on my website.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Whats a coach??
What is a coach?
When people hear the word coach, they either think of a sport or think about a counselor. Can a coach help you? Lets find out. I help coach people in personal and small business finance .I also work with people in finding the right career to match their calling or to find their calling. Now a counselor is someone who deals mainly with the past and events that have happened to people in the past to lead you to where you are today. Consulting is objective observation of where the individual or organization is and gives specific recommendations on where to go. A Coach is someone who actively listens and focuses on where the client wants be, understanding the past, but moves with a plan to where the individual is going. The client is the initiator of direction. A coach has a partnership with the client. The coach assists the client in maximizing skills, talents and gifts already there that they may not recognize or have been forgotten about or overlooked. A coach listens observes an shapes the process for the individual. Or to put it in a football application, the coach designs the play to the abilities of the athlete and walks them through it while cheering for them on the sidelines.
There are many areas where coaching can be beneficial. I am constantly running across new fields where coaches are emerging. If you decide you want to be coached by someone in a particular area that you want to improve and prosper in make sure you and the coach are compatible. Are you comfortable with them, do you trust them, do they really care about you and helping you win in the area you seek help. Set up a meeting to see if the coach fits you and your personality. You are investing in yourself when you hire a coach and it should produce returns the rest of your life. So determine if you need a coach, counselor or a consultant. It can change your life! As Robert Kiyosaki said amateurs don't have coaches, professionals do. Let me know if I can help.
Tim West 11-8-11
Go West Coaching
When people hear the word coach, they either think of a sport or think about a counselor. Can a coach help you? Lets find out. I help coach people in personal and small business finance .I also work with people in finding the right career to match their calling or to find their calling. Now a counselor is someone who deals mainly with the past and events that have happened to people in the past to lead you to where you are today. Consulting is objective observation of where the individual or organization is and gives specific recommendations on where to go. A Coach is someone who actively listens and focuses on where the client wants be, understanding the past, but moves with a plan to where the individual is going. The client is the initiator of direction. A coach has a partnership with the client. The coach assists the client in maximizing skills, talents and gifts already there that they may not recognize or have been forgotten about or overlooked. A coach listens observes an shapes the process for the individual. Or to put it in a football application, the coach designs the play to the abilities of the athlete and walks them through it while cheering for them on the sidelines.
There are many areas where coaching can be beneficial. I am constantly running across new fields where coaches are emerging. If you decide you want to be coached by someone in a particular area that you want to improve and prosper in make sure you and the coach are compatible. Are you comfortable with them, do you trust them, do they really care about you and helping you win in the area you seek help. Set up a meeting to see if the coach fits you and your personality. You are investing in yourself when you hire a coach and it should produce returns the rest of your life. So determine if you need a coach, counselor or a consultant. It can change your life! As Robert Kiyosaki said amateurs don't have coaches, professionals do. Let me know if I can help.
Tim West 11-8-11
Go West Coaching
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Its time for a plan
Its that time of the year, the fun, crazy and busy season of the holidays. I believe a lot of people beginning 2011 was glad that 2010 was finished, but things may not have gone a lot better this year. I have had multiple changes over the last two years of my life that I did not plan for at the beginning of the year. There are a lot of things we can plan for that helps get us through the rough times . I want to challenge you to set down and look at different areas of your life and set goals for the upcoming year. After you set them you need to track them to see how your progress is going and adjust them if necessary. We always have ideas and dreams of what we want to get accomplished, but if we never write them down, and track them they just float around and no progress gets made. What are the areas that you would like to improve on? Finances, maybe you want to get out of debt and start saving money. How about your health, career or your spiritual life? I don’t know how you feel about the people protesting wall street, the “occupy” movement but just yelling and protesting and not creating a plan to change things makes you tired ,burned out, and nothing gets done. Start thinking about what you want to change next year and let me know if I can help. Feel free to down load a goal sheet I use by Dan Miller, . (Goal Sheet) Let's plan the life we want and not just wait for something to happen.
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." Earl Nightingale
Financial Peace university begins January,15th. Email Tim at for more information.
I have a few of Dan Millers 48 Days to the work you love Career kits available. It comes with the hard back book, work book, and bonus CD's for $40.00
Its that time of the year, the fun, crazy and busy season of the holidays. I believe a lot of people beginning 2011 was glad that 2010 was finished, but things may not have gone a lot better this year. I have had multiple changes over the last two years of my life that I did not plan for at the beginning of the year. There are a lot of things we can plan for that helps get us through the rough times . I want to challenge you to set down and look at different areas of your life and set goals for the upcoming year. After you set them you need to track them to see how your progress is going and adjust them if necessary. We always have ideas and dreams of what we want to get accomplished, but if we never write them down, and track them they just float around and no progress gets made. What are the areas that you would like to improve on? Finances, maybe you want to get out of debt and start saving money. How about your health, career or your spiritual life? I don’t know how you feel about the people protesting wall street, the “occupy” movement but just yelling and protesting and not creating a plan to change things makes you tired ,burned out, and nothing gets done. Start thinking about what you want to change next year and let me know if I can help. Feel free to down load a goal sheet I use by Dan Miller, . (Goal Sheet) Let's plan the life we want and not just wait for something to happen.
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." Earl Nightingale
Financial Peace university begins January,15th. Email Tim at for more information.
I have a few of Dan Millers 48 Days to the work you love Career kits available. It comes with the hard back book, work book, and bonus CD's for $40.00
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Are you qualified?
I was reading in Colossians the other day in Chapter 1 Verse 11-12 and it said “May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. I thought about it for a while and thought, wow, if God called you, He has qualified you. How many times do we set out in our businesses or finances, and think I am not qualified to accomplish this task? I don’t know about you but I like the idea of being qualified by Him. I think that means if you are called, He will get you there, sometimes kicking and screaming, but you will make it there. Although I sometimes may wonder, when setbacks occur if He dialed the wrong number! If you are called to do something He will provide the means by which to do it no matter what the circumstances might be. Remember it is a process and that power is guarded by problems. I think the setbacks are very important to build strength in us to succeed. God wants to expose the weak spots in our character because it can turn into rot if it is not addressed. Power when not submitted to Gods grace will tend to corrupt us. It is a process to get us there to accomplish what we are called to do. If I don’t fail I will not be able to succeed. We cannot achieve perfection but we can have great progress. If you think you are perfect that’s your first mistake. I want to encourage you to go after whatever it is God has called you to do because the world needs what you have. Remember if you are called He has qualified you to succeed!
I was reading in Colossians the other day in Chapter 1 Verse 11-12 and it said “May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. I thought about it for a while and thought, wow, if God called you, He has qualified you. How many times do we set out in our businesses or finances, and think I am not qualified to accomplish this task? I don’t know about you but I like the idea of being qualified by Him. I think that means if you are called, He will get you there, sometimes kicking and screaming, but you will make it there. Although I sometimes may wonder, when setbacks occur if He dialed the wrong number! If you are called to do something He will provide the means by which to do it no matter what the circumstances might be. Remember it is a process and that power is guarded by problems. I think the setbacks are very important to build strength in us to succeed. God wants to expose the weak spots in our character because it can turn into rot if it is not addressed. Power when not submitted to Gods grace will tend to corrupt us. It is a process to get us there to accomplish what we are called to do. If I don’t fail I will not be able to succeed. We cannot achieve perfection but we can have great progress. If you think you are perfect that’s your first mistake. I want to encourage you to go after whatever it is God has called you to do because the world needs what you have. Remember if you are called He has qualified you to succeed!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Master Your Budget Part II
Master Your Budget Pt. II
Well the Masters Golf tournament is over and it was great, if you like golf. So this week let’s try to finish off mastering your budget. We stated last week that personal finance was 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge. Our first step was to sit down with your spouse or an accountability partner and plan your budget. Our second step was to determine what is most important, such as food, clothing, shelter, transportation and utilities etc. Always pay the most important first, these are your necessities.
After you have determined how much you bring in and how much each item costs start allocating the money. Now once you set the budget it is the boss of you, so don’t steal form the gas category to get a cheeseburger and fries. Your goal is to have a zero based budget. A zero based budget means income and outgo should equal zero. Every dollar should have a place to go such as groceries, gas, blow money, savings etc. If you tell it where to go it will be there when you need it, as long as you stick to your game plan. Now here is a critical step, you MUST track what you spend. Most of the time we do not know how much to budget because we have never done it before, this is where tracking your expenses will help. When you track them it gives you an exact number so you can budget better. If you don’t track them it will be a guessing game every month. If you don’t know exactly how much to budget for some categories, you may want to fund it a little heavy, such as groceries and gas. The way gas prices go up they should have an odometer on the pricing sign. Don’t worry it’s easy to forget stuff like birthdays and children’s activities; you will get better at it as you go. One thing that sneaks up on you every year is Christmas and the Thanksgiving grocery bill, try not to for get them. Don’t worry; no one budgets perfectly every month. It takes about three months before you budget starts working out smoothly. I guarantee you it will not work if you don’t do one and track you’re spending. Once you get the hang of it you can do your budget in 20-30 minutes with no problems. Feel free to email me with any questions. Start to master your finances. Budget forms
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Well the Masters Golf tournament is over and it was great, if you like golf. So this week let’s try to finish off mastering your budget. We stated last week that personal finance was 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge. Our first step was to sit down with your spouse or an accountability partner and plan your budget. Our second step was to determine what is most important, such as food, clothing, shelter, transportation and utilities etc. Always pay the most important first, these are your necessities.
After you have determined how much you bring in and how much each item costs start allocating the money. Now once you set the budget it is the boss of you, so don’t steal form the gas category to get a cheeseburger and fries. Your goal is to have a zero based budget. A zero based budget means income and outgo should equal zero. Every dollar should have a place to go such as groceries, gas, blow money, savings etc. If you tell it where to go it will be there when you need it, as long as you stick to your game plan. Now here is a critical step, you MUST track what you spend. Most of the time we do not know how much to budget because we have never done it before, this is where tracking your expenses will help. When you track them it gives you an exact number so you can budget better. If you don’t track them it will be a guessing game every month. If you don’t know exactly how much to budget for some categories, you may want to fund it a little heavy, such as groceries and gas. The way gas prices go up they should have an odometer on the pricing sign. Don’t worry it’s easy to forget stuff like birthdays and children’s activities; you will get better at it as you go. One thing that sneaks up on you every year is Christmas and the Thanksgiving grocery bill, try not to for get them. Don’t worry; no one budgets perfectly every month. It takes about three months before you budget starts working out smoothly. I guarantee you it will not work if you don’t do one and track you’re spending. Once you get the hang of it you can do your budget in 20-30 minutes with no problems. Feel free to email me with any questions. Start to master your finances. Budget forms
Tim West
Go West Coaching
personal finance
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Unemployed Checklist
If you find yourself unemployed or wanting to change jobs I want to help you with some tips this week. I have this posted this on my resources page but I wanted to make it a little more available. Feel free to email me any questions you may have and keep looking up. We usually go where we are looking in life. It’s hard sometimes to stay encouraged but I have found one thing that is a big help; turn off the television! Have a great week and keep on keeping on. Laid off checklist
1. Cut your budget as low as you can. Cut areas such as entertainment, out to eat and blow money categories. If you have any memberships you don’t use cut them also.
2. Make your new job, finding a job. Spend 35-40 a week searching, it is tough but it keeps you moving. Hey water will freeze in the right temperature if it is not moving.
3. Find a part-time job such as pizza delivery or some other part time work, every little bit counts.
4. Exercise, this keeps you mind active and helps you to think better and motivates you.
5. Get that resume ready, make it no more than two pages, it’s a sales brochure not an autobiography. You are the product. Target it for the positions you want.
6. Use the three contact rule, Introduction letter, cover letter and resume and a follow up phone call. Target some one in the company to contact that can hire.
7. Prepare for interviewers to answer the hard questions, be prepared know the answer. Studies show that a person hiring knows weather they want you 10-20 seconds after they meet you. Even if you don’t have all of the qualifications, if they like you and think they can use a good person they will be more likely to hire you.
8. After the interview, ask them, when do you think you will make your decision? Set up a phone appointment to check and see if the decision has been made. It seems pushy but it is different, never say I, will look forward to hearing from you. Get in the drivers seat it is your life.
9. After the interview drop a thank you card in the mail to the interviewer. It shows class.
10. Sometimes a job loss is a beginning to something better than before. Sometimes we have to have a train wreck to get us off the wrong track and put us on the right one.
Go West Coaching
Career Coach
1. Cut your budget as low as you can. Cut areas such as entertainment, out to eat and blow money categories. If you have any memberships you don’t use cut them also.
2. Make your new job, finding a job. Spend 35-40 a week searching, it is tough but it keeps you moving. Hey water will freeze in the right temperature if it is not moving.
3. Find a part-time job such as pizza delivery or some other part time work, every little bit counts.
4. Exercise, this keeps you mind active and helps you to think better and motivates you.
5. Get that resume ready, make it no more than two pages, it’s a sales brochure not an autobiography. You are the product. Target it for the positions you want.
6. Use the three contact rule, Introduction letter, cover letter and resume and a follow up phone call. Target some one in the company to contact that can hire.
7. Prepare for interviewers to answer the hard questions, be prepared know the answer. Studies show that a person hiring knows weather they want you 10-20 seconds after they meet you. Even if you don’t have all of the qualifications, if they like you and think they can use a good person they will be more likely to hire you.
8. After the interview, ask them, when do you think you will make your decision? Set up a phone appointment to check and see if the decision has been made. It seems pushy but it is different, never say I, will look forward to hearing from you. Get in the drivers seat it is your life.
9. After the interview drop a thank you card in the mail to the interviewer. It shows class.
10. Sometimes a job loss is a beginning to something better than before. Sometimes we have to have a train wreck to get us off the wrong track and put us on the right one.
Go West Coaching
Career Coach
Friday, March 11, 2011
Your Destiny is waiting!
Your destiny is waiting!
I saw a commercial the other day for the Biggest Loser television show. Jillian Michaels, one of the trainers for the contestants said, “You can do it, your destiny is waiting for you to show up!” This statement made me think about everything we do in our lives. God has a destiny ready for us, but we will not show up! What are some of the reasons we don’t show up. I think the main one is fear. We will not try that business venture because we may fail. Remember failure is part of success; it’s a chance to begin new, with more experience. If I quit my job, that I dread going to on Mondays, for one I may like, I will lose my “security”, or what we think is security. As Helen Keller says "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." What is the destiny you think God has for you? We all have hints and clues thrown at us throughout our lives. What are your values dreams and passions? What do you do that makes time go by without a care? You may think it is crazy and that you cannot support yourself or your family, but others have. Why can’t you do it also? If God is for you, then who can be against you in life? Do remember that His plan doesn’t always fit your mold, okay it never does for me the way “I” think it should. So will you show up for your destiny? Charlton Heston, while filming Ben- Hur was having a hard time staying in the violent cart being pulled by the horse. In the movie he was supposed to win the race, but he told the director I can’t do it, I cannot win because I cannot control the cart and barely can stay in it. The director said you focus on staying in the cart and I will make sure you win. Wow, if we stay in the cart of our destiny, God will make sure we win no matter how out of control it may seem.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
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I saw a commercial the other day for the Biggest Loser television show. Jillian Michaels, one of the trainers for the contestants said, “You can do it, your destiny is waiting for you to show up!” This statement made me think about everything we do in our lives. God has a destiny ready for us, but we will not show up! What are some of the reasons we don’t show up. I think the main one is fear. We will not try that business venture because we may fail. Remember failure is part of success; it’s a chance to begin new, with more experience. If I quit my job, that I dread going to on Mondays, for one I may like, I will lose my “security”, or what we think is security. As Helen Keller says "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." What is the destiny you think God has for you? We all have hints and clues thrown at us throughout our lives. What are your values dreams and passions? What do you do that makes time go by without a care? You may think it is crazy and that you cannot support yourself or your family, but others have. Why can’t you do it also? If God is for you, then who can be against you in life? Do remember that His plan doesn’t always fit your mold, okay it never does for me the way “I” think it should. So will you show up for your destiny? Charlton Heston, while filming Ben- Hur was having a hard time staying in the violent cart being pulled by the horse. In the movie he was supposed to win the race, but he told the director I can’t do it, I cannot win because I cannot control the cart and barely can stay in it. The director said you focus on staying in the cart and I will make sure you win. Wow, if we stay in the cart of our destiny, God will make sure we win no matter how out of control it may seem.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Get great deals and earn money with MOOLALA
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
Instant Success
I just read a statement from Daniel Tardy that said Valentines Day is usually the time that people have already given up on their New Years resolutions. Wow we give our life changing goals a whole 45 days to be complete. On top of that we quit in the middle of the shortest month of the year! I want to start a new business on Jan.1, but if I am not profitable and able to leave my current job I will be done Feb.14. Or I want to get out of debt that has taken me my whole adult life to acquire; I will give it 45 days. Wow, we live in a microwave society and our goals require cooking in a crock-pot. Hey I am as spoiled as the rest of us, but the crock-pot does teach me patients. What makes us think this way, we have the lottery mentality, just one ticket and I will be set for life. It is a blessing that we do not achieve success quickly. It can destroy us because we have not developed the character or the spiritual muscle to handle it yet. Look at this statistic, 80% of NFL players are broke ten years after they retire. We can’t just beat up the people who strike it rich quick. When we get married we want to have everything our parents have now. We don’t realize it has taken them their whole lives to get where they are now; we want to put it in the microwave and go! Then we pray, God give me patients and give them to me now! He even tells us In Proverbs 13:11, Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.”
If we want to reach our goals and accomplish what we were put on the earth to do we need to change our mindset to crock-pot mode and cook a lot slower than we like. We also have to have a goal bigger than ourselves and our wants. We need to be disciplined. Discipline is the thing we don’t want to do to get the result we want. It’s hard, but it’s worth doing. As Vince Lombardi says: “Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.” You may be thinking well what if I am not getting any where with my business do I keep trying and losing? Not always, you may have to modify your plan or change it, and if you get no traction re-evaluate and see if you need to continue. My wires get crossed and I have to quit some things or change them, remember the world is not perfect. Don’t think I have everything down to a perfect science, I am not even close, but I am learning it takes more time than I like. This builds what is lacking in my life, patience and perseverance. It’s not comfortable but it is good for me weather it feels like it at times or not. I love the line in the outlaw of Josey Wales, played by Clint Eastwood. “ When things look bad and you think you’re not gonna make it, that’s when you gotta get mean, I mean plum mad dog mean, because if you give up you neither live nor win.” Let’s start winning and living and not quit before the process gets going good. Start that new career or business, get out of debt, lose the weight and get your life back so you can accomplish what you were put on the earth to do!
Tim West
Go West Coaching
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I just read a statement from Daniel Tardy that said Valentines Day is usually the time that people have already given up on their New Years resolutions. Wow we give our life changing goals a whole 45 days to be complete. On top of that we quit in the middle of the shortest month of the year! I want to start a new business on Jan.1, but if I am not profitable and able to leave my current job I will be done Feb.14. Or I want to get out of debt that has taken me my whole adult life to acquire; I will give it 45 days. Wow, we live in a microwave society and our goals require cooking in a crock-pot. Hey I am as spoiled as the rest of us, but the crock-pot does teach me patients. What makes us think this way, we have the lottery mentality, just one ticket and I will be set for life. It is a blessing that we do not achieve success quickly. It can destroy us because we have not developed the character or the spiritual muscle to handle it yet. Look at this statistic, 80% of NFL players are broke ten years after they retire. We can’t just beat up the people who strike it rich quick. When we get married we want to have everything our parents have now. We don’t realize it has taken them their whole lives to get where they are now; we want to put it in the microwave and go! Then we pray, God give me patients and give them to me now! He even tells us In Proverbs 13:11, Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.”
If we want to reach our goals and accomplish what we were put on the earth to do we need to change our mindset to crock-pot mode and cook a lot slower than we like. We also have to have a goal bigger than ourselves and our wants. We need to be disciplined. Discipline is the thing we don’t want to do to get the result we want. It’s hard, but it’s worth doing. As Vince Lombardi says: “Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.” You may be thinking well what if I am not getting any where with my business do I keep trying and losing? Not always, you may have to modify your plan or change it, and if you get no traction re-evaluate and see if you need to continue. My wires get crossed and I have to quit some things or change them, remember the world is not perfect. Don’t think I have everything down to a perfect science, I am not even close, but I am learning it takes more time than I like. This builds what is lacking in my life, patience and perseverance. It’s not comfortable but it is good for me weather it feels like it at times or not. I love the line in the outlaw of Josey Wales, played by Clint Eastwood. “ When things look bad and you think you’re not gonna make it, that’s when you gotta get mean, I mean plum mad dog mean, because if you give up you neither live nor win.” Let’s start winning and living and not quit before the process gets going good. Start that new career or business, get out of debt, lose the weight and get your life back so you can accomplish what you were put on the earth to do!
Tim West
Go West Coaching
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
When in doubt
I read this and thought it was really good. We all go through doubt in out lives, we especially doubt ourselves and God. So no matter where you may be in your life dont quit, breakthrough will come,just not in our timing but in His.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
When the One You Doubt is You
T. Suzanne Eller
"Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'" Matthew 14:31 (NIV)
I walked away discouraged. It was a disaster! The end of the world! I mentally listed all the ways I had messed up.
Things had not gone the way I had hoped. Later that night as I lay in bed, going over the events one more time, regret plopped right in the middle of my chest.
I wish that I could say that self-doubt was never a problem again after that day, but it has tried to spring up again from time to time. It's just that I handle it in a different way now. I finally recognized self-doubt for what it is. It's an unhealthful twist on humility. It appears to be self-assessment, or even meekness. Instead, it is distracting to my dreams and the direction that God is trying to lead me.
Self doubt can be paralyzing unless we learn to unpack it. Asking questions like:
Is there a valid reason I am doubting? Maybe there are gaps that need to be filled with education, with knowledge, with training, or good old-fashioned time alone with our Heavenly Father.
Is it due to a certain person or my past? My friend and Proverbs 31 Ministries sister Lysa TerKeurst describes twirling around as a child, her dress fanning out around her, to capture her father's attention.
How many times do we twirl, trying to fill that place where a father's words or a mother's hugs didn't? We keep on twirling hoping that someone might notice, and we come up empty if they don't, even when there is no way that anyone can see that need.
Is it the enemy? We have an enemy according to Scripture. An enemy that desires to steal, to take away, to wound by distracting us from God's grace, call, and leading. Do we so intently focus on the things we didn't do "right" or well, at least in our eyes, and fail to see the good that took place?
When I stopped to take an honest look at the event where the world was coming to an end, the reality is that it was a small hiccup. A perfect learning experience, allowing me to fill in a gap that needed to be filled.
Self-doubt can either riddle us, consuming our thoughts, or it can be an avenue to honestly assess why it's there, and what we can do about it—with God's help.
I read this and thought it was really good. We all go through doubt in out lives, we especially doubt ourselves and God. So no matter where you may be in your life dont quit, breakthrough will come,just not in our timing but in His.
Tim West
Go West Coaching
When the One You Doubt is You
T. Suzanne Eller
"Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'" Matthew 14:31 (NIV)
I walked away discouraged. It was a disaster! The end of the world! I mentally listed all the ways I had messed up.
Things had not gone the way I had hoped. Later that night as I lay in bed, going over the events one more time, regret plopped right in the middle of my chest.
I wish that I could say that self-doubt was never a problem again after that day, but it has tried to spring up again from time to time. It's just that I handle it in a different way now. I finally recognized self-doubt for what it is. It's an unhealthful twist on humility. It appears to be self-assessment, or even meekness. Instead, it is distracting to my dreams and the direction that God is trying to lead me.
Self doubt can be paralyzing unless we learn to unpack it. Asking questions like:
Is there a valid reason I am doubting? Maybe there are gaps that need to be filled with education, with knowledge, with training, or good old-fashioned time alone with our Heavenly Father.
Is it due to a certain person or my past? My friend and Proverbs 31 Ministries sister Lysa TerKeurst describes twirling around as a child, her dress fanning out around her, to capture her father's attention.
How many times do we twirl, trying to fill that place where a father's words or a mother's hugs didn't? We keep on twirling hoping that someone might notice, and we come up empty if they don't, even when there is no way that anyone can see that need.
Is it the enemy? We have an enemy according to Scripture. An enemy that desires to steal, to take away, to wound by distracting us from God's grace, call, and leading. Do we so intently focus on the things we didn't do "right" or well, at least in our eyes, and fail to see the good that took place?
When I stopped to take an honest look at the event where the world was coming to an end, the reality is that it was a small hiccup. A perfect learning experience, allowing me to fill in a gap that needed to be filled.
Self-doubt can either riddle us, consuming our thoughts, or it can be an avenue to honestly assess why it's there, and what we can do about it—with God's help.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Consistency equals accuracy
Consistency equals accuracy
Back when I use to do competitive shooting there was a saying “consistency equals accuracy and accuracy equals consistency.” If I am consistent in my shooting I will be accurate, if I am going to be accurate I need to be consistent, its not rocket science but it is something we overlook when we manage our money and also in other areas of our life. It is not mathematical genius in our finances but it is behavior. If I consistently save, budget, and have a plan in my financial life, I will achieve my goals in life, and hit the target. Hey, I had to shoot a lot of bullets to hit the bullseye that was the diameter of the pencil lead. If I go week to week, month to month without having a plan and telling my money what to do before I get it, I will be consistently missing my target. Most people get in bad financial situations by not paying attention to what they are doing. We go day by day living off of emotion instead of a well thought out plan.
Since we are just starting a new year why don’t we determine to be consistent so we can hit our goals we set for ourselves? I don’t like the word resolution because even if you resolve to do something you still don’t have a plan laid out. Example, “my resolution is to fid a job I enjoy this year!” How? When you have your plan, be consistent in executing it so you can hit your target. Don’t quit and don’t worry if you have to modify your plan. The biggest thing is to get a goal and be consistent with executing it. Keep shooting and getting closer to the bullseye and let me know when you hit the center. I love to hear when people win, it helps us all!
Tim West
Go West Coaching
Back when I use to do competitive shooting there was a saying “consistency equals accuracy and accuracy equals consistency.” If I am consistent in my shooting I will be accurate, if I am going to be accurate I need to be consistent, its not rocket science but it is something we overlook when we manage our money and also in other areas of our life. It is not mathematical genius in our finances but it is behavior. If I consistently save, budget, and have a plan in my financial life, I will achieve my goals in life, and hit the target. Hey, I had to shoot a lot of bullets to hit the bullseye that was the diameter of the pencil lead. If I go week to week, month to month without having a plan and telling my money what to do before I get it, I will be consistently missing my target. Most people get in bad financial situations by not paying attention to what they are doing. We go day by day living off of emotion instead of a well thought out plan.
Since we are just starting a new year why don’t we determine to be consistent so we can hit our goals we set for ourselves? I don’t like the word resolution because even if you resolve to do something you still don’t have a plan laid out. Example, “my resolution is to fid a job I enjoy this year!” How? When you have your plan, be consistent in executing it so you can hit your target. Don’t quit and don’t worry if you have to modify your plan. The biggest thing is to get a goal and be consistent with executing it. Keep shooting and getting closer to the bullseye and let me know when you hit the center. I love to hear when people win, it helps us all!
Tim West
Go West Coaching
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